Guide to EQUINET Features
Switching between Teams
We recommend being in a good signal area when switching between your account and into other Teams you are associated with to ensure a speedy switching from one database to another.

Also, it is very important that you have synced your data and received the 'your offline data has synced' message before switching teams to avoid losing any data.

To switch teams, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to 'Teams' from the dashboard
  2. You will see the team you are currently working on under 'Active Teams'
  3. If you wish to switch to another team, click on the 'Switch' icon next one of the 'Other Teams' (please note that you will not see any other teams if you are not part of them already)
  4. You will now be redirected to the dashboard of the switched team.
Switching between Teams | Step-by-step Video Tutorial