Guide to Equinet Features
Adding Images to an Entry
You can add images of your work to a horse entry.

To add photos to a new horse entry, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the '+' button from the Dashboard
  2. Click on "Entry"
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Add photo"
  4. Upload a photo from your photo library or click a new photo directly in the app*.

To add photos to an existing horse entry, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the dashboard
  2. Click on "Entries"
  3. Select the entry you want to add a photo to
  4. Click on "Edit"
  5. Select the "Add photo" option from the bottom of the screen
  6. Upload a photo from your photo library or click a new photo directly in the app*.

*Please note that the first time you want to add images (either from your camera or from your photo library), EQUINET will ask you for permission to do so. If you choose no, you will be unable to add images to the App. To fix this problem, go to your phone's settings, scroll down until you find EQUINET, and make sure EQUINET has access to your photos.